Lanikai Gift Shop Rapa Nui

Lanikai Gift Shop in Rapa Nui

Lanikai Gift Shop is a beautiful store located in our beloved Rapa Nui, which is now part of the great Anakena family and distributes our cosmetics on the island. This beautiful enterprise of our friend Camila Casanueva, celebrated last December 2022 two years serving its customers with love and dedication.

Lanikai is the name of a beach on the big island of Oahu (Hawaii) and means "heavenly sea" in Hawaiian. In this store, in addition to Anakena cosmetics, you can find beautiful clothing for women, such as blouses, shirts, skirts and dresses, many of them with traditional prints.

Lanikai Gift Shop is located in the Verenga Uka Gallery, right in front of the Koro Paina Kori Gymnasium and soccer field, on Te Pito o te Henua Street.

Contact us:
Lanikai gift shop
Camila Casanueva Brito
Galeria Verenga Uka, Local 16
Av. Te Pito o te Henua s/n
Hanga Roa - Easter Island
cell: +569 82174063
Instagram: @lanikaigiftshop

Lanikai Gift Shop Rapa Nui


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