Amiga Santiago Pharmacies

Amiga Pharmacies in Santiago

Farmacias Amiga is an independent pharmacy located on Los Leones Street, one of the most central avenues in the Providencia neighborhood of Santiago.

This well-kept pharmacy is attended in a very professional manner by its owner, Rodolfo Padilla Arriagada, a very experienced pharmaceutical chemist who is always ready to advise his customers on everything they need related to health and personal care.
For this reason, we are very excited to have Farmacias Amiga as one of the distributors of Anakena - Natural Cosmetics in Santiago.

There you can learn about and try our delicious cosmetics and take home your favorites, along with many other top quality products for health and wellness. The pharmacy offers delivery throughout the Metropolitan region.

Hours of operation: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday.

Contact us:
Amiga Pharmacies
Los Leones 044, Local 10
Providencia, Santiago
Phone: +569 96358250
Instagram: @farmaciasamiga


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